Tag Archives: safeguarding

Notts. Safeguarding Children Board, Summer Newsletter now out

NCSB newsletter

This edition contains feedback on the NSCB fabricated
and induced illness training, an introduction to the new
Notts. police CSE disruption team, a new NSCB/NCSCB
safer sleeping risk assessment tool and information about
the new healthy families teams as well as the usual
summary of multi-agency audit activity and an update as
to the Serious Case Review activities and findings in the
county. I trust you will find the content both interesting
and informative.

Link to newsletter here

Launch of new Safer Sleeping Risk Assessment Tool

notts safeguarding

In Nottinghamshire there are on average 6 deaths each year of babies that are likely to be due to an unsafe sleep environment.

Safer sleep advice is given out to all new parents in pregnancy and the first few days and weeks of a baby’s life by universal health services. To prevent further deaths we need everyone working with families in Nottinghamshire to help ensure safe sleep advice is followed.

To help tackle this a safer sleep risk assessment tool has been developed. The tool explains what safer sleep is and helps you identify risk factors for unsafe sleeping. It also provides information to help you support families and includes links to resources that you can download for parents.

(Please Note: this tool is not intended for use by maternity and health visiting services who should continue to assess and promote safe sleep via the usual processes).

Log into Notts Safeguarding e-learning site here